Rates 2025

Car 1
€ 20,-
€ 28,-
Motorcycles 2
€ 18,-
€ 25,-
Other vehicles 3
€ 30,-
Buses 4
price per adult
per child (7 to 15 years)
€ 6,-
€ 4,-
€ 120,-
€ 30,-
Season ticket
€ 85,-

1 max. 9 seats incl. driver, motor homes up to 3.5 tons
2 Group discount available for 10 or more motorcycles
3 Motorhomes over 3.5 tons, lorries etc.
4 as well as all vehicles used for commercial passenger transport such as taxis, hire cars, hotel minibuses etc.

The toll prices include use of the Timmelsjoch High Alpine Road on both the Austrian AND the Italian side. The return journey ticket is valid for the entire season – it does not have to be used on the same day.

Ötztal Inside Summer Card

Holders of the Ötztal Inside Summer Card can use the Timmelsjoch High Alpine Road free of charge when travelling on the local bus.

Traffic Permission

There are no restrictions as regards using the Timmelsjoch High Alpine Road on the Austrian side right up to the summit

However, due to the steep, narrow road conditions and bridge constructions on the Italian side, the following restrictions apply:

  • Cars and motorcycles are permitted
  • Motor homes and small lorries are permitted - max. gross weight 8 tons, max. width 2.55 m, max. height 4 m
  • Small buses are permitted – max. overall length 10 m, max. gross weight 8 tons.
  • Buses with an overall length of over 10 m or a gross weight exceeding 8 tons are not permitted
  • Lorries with an overall weight exceeding 8 tons are not permitted
  • Trailers with a length over 4.5 me are not permitted.


Cyclists who use the Timmelsjoch Pass do so at their own risk! Bicycle lights are compulsory.